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APD Functions
PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

apd_set_socket_session_traceStarts the remote session debugging


bool apd_set_socket_session_trace ( string $tcp_server , int $socket_type , int $port , int $debug_level )

Connects to the specified tcp_server (eg. tcplisten) and sends debugging data to the socket.



IP or Unix Domain socket (like a file) of the TCP server.


Can be AF_UNIX for file based sockets or APD_AF_INET for standard tcp/ip.


You can use any port, but higher numbers are better as most of the lower numbers may be used by other system services.


An integer which is formed by adding together the XXX_TRACE constants.

It is not recommended to use MEMORY_TRACE. It is very slow and does not appear to be accurate. ASSIGNMENT_TRACE is not implemented yet.

To turn on all functional traces (TIMING, FUNCTIONS, ARGS SUMMARY (like strace -c)) use the value 99

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Example #1 apd_set_socket_session_trace() example


APD Functions
PHP Manual