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Filter Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0)

filter_listReturns a list of all supported filters


array filter_list ( void )

Return Values

Returns an array of names of all supported filters, empty array if there are no such filters. Indexes of this array are not filter IDs, they can be obtained with filter_id() from a name instead.


Example #1 A filter_list() example


The above example will output something similar to:

    [0] => int
    [1] => boolean
    [2] => float
    [3] => validate_regexp
    [4] => validate_url
    [5] => validate_email
    [6] => validate_ip
    [7] => string
    [8] => stripped
    [9] => encoded
    [10] => special_chars
    [11] => unsafe_raw
    [12] => email
    [13] => url
    [14] => number_int
    [15] => number_float
    [16] => magic_quotes
    [17] => callback

Filter Functions
PHP Manual