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GeoIP Functions
PHP Manual


(PECL geoip >= 1.0.1)

geoip_db_get_all_infoReturns detailed information about all GeoIP database types


array geoip_db_get_all_info ( void )

The geoip_db_get_all_info() function will return detailed information as a multi-dimensional array about all the GeoIP database types.

This function is available even if no databases are installed. It will simply list them as non-available.

The names of the different keys of the returning associative array are as follows:

Return Values

Returns the associative array.


Example #1 A geoip_db_get_all_info() example

This will print the array containing all the information.

if (
is_array($infos)) {

The above example will output:

array(11) {
  array(3) {
    string(21) "GeoIP Country Edition"
    string(32) "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"

[ ... ]

  array(3) {
    string(25) "GeoIP Domain Name Edition"
    string(38) "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPDomain.dat"

Example #2 A geoip_db_get_all_info() example

You can use the various constants as keys to get only parts of the information.

if (
$infos[GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION]['available']) {

The above example will output:

GeoIP Country Edition

GeoIP Functions
PHP Manual