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String Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

get_html_translation_tableReturns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities()


array get_html_translation_table ([ int $table=HTML_SPECIALCHARS [, int $quote_style=ENT_COMPAT ]] )

get_html_translation_table() will return the translation table that is used internally for htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities().

Note: Special characters can be encoded in several ways. E.g. " can be encoded as ", " or &#x22. get_html_translation_table() returns only the most common form for them.



There are two new constants (HTML_ENTITIES, HTML_SPECIALCHARS) that allow you to specify the table you want. Default value for table is HTML_SPECIALCHARS.


Like the htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() functions you can optionally specify the quote_style you are working with. The default is ENT_COMPAT mode. See the description of these modes in htmlspecialchars().

Return Values

Returns the translation table as an array.


Example #1 Translation Table Example

$str "Hallo & <Frau> & Krämer";
$encoded strtr($str$trans);


The above example will output:

Hallo &amp;amp; &amp;lt;Frau&amp;gt; &amp;amp; Kr&amp;auml;mer

See Also

String Functions
PHP Manual