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LDAP Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 5)

ldap_sasl_bindBind to LDAP directory using SASL


bool ldap_sasl_bind ( resource $link [, string $binddn=NULL [, string $password=NULL [, string $sasl_mech=NULL [, string $sasl_realm=NULL [, string $sasl_authc_id=NULL [, string $sasl_authz_id=NULL [, string $props=NULL ]]]]]]] )

This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Note: Requirement
ldap_sasl_bind() requires SASL support (sasl.h). Be sure --with-ldap-sasl is used when configuring PHP otherwise this function will be undefined.

LDAP Functions
PHP Manual