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Multibyte String Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

mb_get_infoGet internal settings of mbstring


mixed mb_get_info ([ string $type="all" ] )

mb_get_info() returns the internal setting parameters of mbstring.



If type isn't specified or is specified to "all", an array having the elements "internal_encoding", "http_output", "http_input", "func_overload", "mail_charset", "mail_header_encoding", "mail_body_encoding" will be returned.

If type is specified as "http_output", "http_input", "internal_encoding", "func_overload", the specified setting parameter will be returned.

Return Values

An array of type information if type is not specified, otherwise a specific type .


Version Description
5.1.3 The element types "mail_charset", "mail_header_encoding", and "mail_body_encoding" were made available.

See Also

Multibyte String Functions
PHP Manual