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OCI8 Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 5, PECL oci8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_executeExecutes a statement


bool oci_execute ( resource $statement [, int $mode=OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS ] )

Executes a previously parsed statement .



A valid OCI statement identifier.


Allows you to specify the execution mode (default is OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS).

If you don't want statements to be committed automatically, you should specify OCI_DEFAULT as your mode .

When using OCI_DEFAULT mode, you're creating a transaction. Transactions are automatically rolled back when you close the connection, or when the script ends, whichever is soonest. You need to explicitly call oci_commit() to commit the transaction, or oci_rollback() to abort it.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Note: In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ociexecute() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_execute() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.

See Also

OCI8 Functions
PHP Manual