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SAM Functions
PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

SAMConnection->errnoContains the unique numeric error code of the last executed SAM operation.


int $errno;

Contains the numeric error code of the last executed SAM operation on this connection. If the last operation completed successfully this property contains 0.

Return Values

An integer greater than zero indicates the last error type encountered on the connection. Zero indicates that the last operation on this connection completed successfully.


Example #1 Using the error number and description properties

= new SAMConnection();
$conn->connect(SAM_WMQ, array(SAM_HOST => 'localhost'SAM_PORT => 1506));
$msg = new SAMMessage('This is a simple text item');
if (!
$conn->send('topic://test'$msg)) {
// The Send failed!
echo "Send failed ($conn->errno$conn->error";

See Also

SAM Functions
PHP Manual