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Swish Functions
PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

SwishSearch->executeExecute the search and get the results


object SwishSearch->execute ([ string $query ] )

This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This function should be used at your own risk.

Searches the index file(s) based on the parameters set in the search object.



The query string is an optional parameter, it can be also set using Swish->prepare() method. The query string is preserved between executions, so you can set it once, but execute the search multiple times.

Return Values

Returns SwishResults object.


Throws SwishException on error.


Example #1 Basic SwishSearch->execute() example


try {

$swish = new Swish("index.swish-e");
$search $swish->prepare();

$results $search->execute("query");
"First query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

$results $search->execute("new OR query");
"Second query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

} catch (
SwishException $e) {
$e->getMessage(), "\n";


The above example will output something similar to:

First query found: 2 hits
Second query found: 12 hits

Swish Functions
PHP Manual